Trace Course – Interface Brief of Electrical Software elec calc

Interface Brief of Electrical Software elec calc

elec calcTM is a software package that enables the calculation of low voltage and high voltage electrical installations produced by TraceSoftware International (TSI), a France company established in 1987. It has the special functions of one line diagram model design, automatic sizing, power and load calculation, power protection option, manufacturer database, document output and printing, etc., providing accurate electrical system calculation and analysis solutions for domestic and foreign power bureau, power engineering companies, power design institutes, panel factories, as well as industrial users such as construction and ships.

It is the second tutorial of the Trace Course and the interface of the software will be introduced in detail.

The screenshot below shows the main sections of the software interface:

  1. Quick access bar
  2. Ribbon
  3. Drawing area
  4. Library
  5. Data area

1. Quick Access bar

It includes commands “New project”, “Open project”, “Save”, “Undo”, “Redo”.

2. Ribbon

It includes ribbons “EC” “Home” “Configuration” “BIM” and “Support”. “EC” ribbon opens the user interfaces From “Home” ribbon, main and generic actions can be done, relative to project design.

3. Drawing area

In this area, one-line diagram is created.

4. Library

It includes all saved standard schematics, available for all projects, without being specific to the current project.

5. Data area

This section shows all data of components inserted in drawing areas, as well as the results of the performed calculations. When activating the data entering view, the data area will have the following appearance:

activating the data entering view

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