CHINT 2023: “Boundless” Cloud Meet & Embrace Diversity

Inspired by Van Gogh, the starry sky, Möbius strips, and countless beings, a painting titled “BOUNDLESS: Embrace Diversity for the Future” was created with the support of AI.

The painting merges the Chinese dragon, the American eagle, the African elephant, the European bull, the Asian tiger, and the Australian koala in a symbiotic coexistence, symbolizing the breaking of norms and collaboration without boundaries. The universe and the seas, spring returning to the earth, eagles soaring high, and fish swimming shallowly illustrate the global subsidiaries of CHINT Global thriving with vitality. The dragon-shaped Möbius strip symbolizes the continuous legacy of CHINT Global’s boundless culture. We embrace and encompass the unique and diverse CHINT Global entities from various countries.

On January 30th, Beijing time, just like the A3 building at CHINT Global’s Shanghai headquarters, all global subsidiaries and manufacturing bases were imbued with the atmosphere of the New Year. New Year decorations and delicacies from around the world were combined with traditional Chinese decorations to beautify the offices.At 13:00, accompanied by dynamic music, the display of artworks representing CHINT Global’s view on diversity, starting with the Chinese dragon, was followed by the first gong-striking ceremony of 2024.

After a hilariously entertaining talkshow performance, numerous pieces of good news were met with waves of cheers and applause.

The gong-striking by the international team marked the first order of smart meters for Latin America, CHINT’s first order of smart meters with a full set of proprietary system solutions, and the first order of smart ANSI round meters with system solutions by a Chinese metering company. The customer-driven team also shared CHINT’s first overseas power transformation overhaul project, bringing new opportunities to CHINT Global’s second growth curve. The West Asia and Africa team made a new breakthrough in Tunisia, with the largest single electricity grid supply project in recent years, of significant strategic importance to the North African electricity grid market.

Moreover, in the last part of the year, subsidiaries in Romania, India, and Malaysia successfully broke through the billion yuan mark, joining the billion yuan club.With each gong sound, the excitement officially began. Online and offline gatherings breaking geographical boundaries took place around the world.

At A3, CHINT Global employees grouped by interests, engaging in activities like Werewolf, UNO, Honor of Kings challenges, documentary screenings, auto chess friendship matches, card games, DIY crafts, and lantern riddle guessing, opening up for boundless communication beyond their usual work routines. Online, a lively interactive radio show kept the excitement going, with CHINT Global employees sharing their favorite music. Additionally, an online game themed around the BOUNDLESS painting attracted competitive participation among the CHINT Global community.

As CHINT Global employees laughed and chatted, the time quickly reached 16:00. The main venue welcomed CHINT Global employees who had enjoyed a joyful gathering, with global subsidiaries and manufacturing bases connecting live online. Regardless of where in the world or the time of day, at this moment, CHINT Global employees gathered together for the first time.

After watching a year-end summary video together, CHINT Global employees presented a medley of dance music, officially starting the cloud gathering. Partners from overseas venues exchanged blessings through the camera, with continuous applause and cheers on site.

Following this, CHINT Global President Lily Zhang delivered the keynote speech “Riding Winds, Sailing Through Waves in the BOUNDLESS Sea.”

Reflecting on 2023, “We firmly moved towards our Fourteenth Five-Year Plan goals, with each step blooming into success.” “Experiencing the full spectrum of emotions along the way, we bravely moved forward, with experiences and lessons being the best gifts of growth.” Looking ahead to 2024, “Old maps do not show the new world,” we aim to “follow trends, find opportunities in growth, engage in high-barrier activities to avoid red ocean competition, continuously refine organizational wisdom to avoid repetition, and build new production relationships to promote local innovation.”CHINT Global’s growth is inseparable from the contributions of every team and every CHINT Global employee. They practice the common belief held by all at CHINT: customer-centricity, openness and inclusiveness, and innovation, making us increasingly strong.

Notably, the “billion yuan club” members stood out. Subsidiaries in Romania, India, and Malaysia followed the steps of their predecessors, joining the ranks of CHINT Global’s highest honor alongside subsidiaries in Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Turkey, Philippines, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.

Special guests, CHINT Group Chairman Nan Cunhui, President Zhu Xinmin, Director and Smart Electrical Industry Ecosystem Leader Chen Guoliang, CHINT Electric Director, Vice President, and Back-Office Committee Leader Nan Junyu, along with other CHINT Global leaders, presented awards to the winners.

After witnessing a series of achievements by CHINT Global, Chairman Nan spoke, acknowledging the complexities of the domestic and international political and economic situation and the significance of CHINT Global’s achievements. He encouraged everyone to seriously consider Lily’s keynote report and to implement the outlined blueprint. Chairman Nan emphasized that with many future opportunities and challenges, we must have utmost confidence and adhere to the spirit of hard work, steadily advancing the implementation of the global regional localization strategy, orderly building a regional globalization organization, seizing new opportunities, and creating a new chapter.

CHINT Global employees were greatly inspired, witnessing business department heads making performance commitments as representatives. Finally, global CHINT Global employees counted down together and loudly exclaimed “Hello 2024!” looking forward to continuing success.

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