CHINT Triumphs in China’s Top 100 Employers 2023

best employer award

In December 2023, the “New Momentum, New Workplace” 2023 China’s Annual Best Employer Awards Ceremony and the International Forum on Human Capital Management in China commenced in Jinniu District, Chengdu. At the event, CHINT stood out among over 100,000 participating companies, securing a spot in the Top 100 of China’s Best Employers of 2023.

The selection of China’s Best Employers has become a benchmark in the field of human capital in China. Jointly organized by Zhaopin Recruitment, Peking University’s Social Survey Research Center, and the National Development Research Institute of Peking University, this event employs professional and scientific research and evaluation methods to identify standout employer brands in China. It keenly captures new trends in the workplace, providing job seekers with effective standards for “good employers” and “good jobs,” and promotes collaborative success between employers and employees. CHINT’s award reflects societal recognition of their achievements in employer brand building, marking a new level of excellence in their employer branding.

The theme of this year’s selection, “New Momentum, New Workplace,” focuses on the profound transformation of the workplace by the digital economy. In the Top 100 of China’s Best Employers, the manufacturing industry emerged as a major player, with an increased presence compared to last year. This reflects the vigorous growth in the new manufacturing sector, powered by digital enablement.

As a leading company in the power and new energy industry, CHINT has been deeply involved in advanced manufacturing for decades. In the era of digital transformation, it has actively embraced change, leveraging the power of digital technology to build new employer-employee relationships characterized by joint evolution and collaborative growth, continuously enhancing its employer brand image.

best employer award

“The development of the digital economy brings both challenges and opportunities,” said a spokesperson for CHINT Group. With the deepening of digital transformation and the application of digital technologies, traditional job content, work methods, and capabilities are undergoing revolutionary changes. To adapt, CHINT is focusing on building efficient and agile platform-like organizations and enhancing organizational capabilities through training, motivation, and the infusion of corporate culture. This helps teams develop digital thinking and grassroots-level digital capabilities.

At CHINT, flexible work styles and organizational forms are the norm, with the development of efficient and agile platform-like organizations being a core strategy. The deepening application of digital technology significantly enhances efficiency at every industrial level, simplifying decision-making but also demanding closer and more responsive collaboration within and between organizations. To this end, CHINT advocates a project-based approach, building virtual teams around projects to break down departmental barriers and achieve horizontal collaboration and integration among employees, departments, and modules, thus creating space for employee autonomy and creativity.

Amid organizational restructuring, CHINT also focuses on developing organizational capabilities, especially in training digital talent. Like many companies undergoing digital transformation, CHINT has seen the emergence of new positions requiring specialized digital skills. However, the lag between talent supply and the pace of technological development means that a sudden influx of new digital talent is unrealistic, making internal training essential. CHINT’s plan is to train 5,000 digital talents over three to five years, with an initial target of 1,000 people for this year.

Digital talents are categorized into technical, application, and management types. CHINT tailors training methods for these different types, focusing on enhancing digital skills and application capabilities for technical and application talents through workshops and training camps. For managers, the emphasis is on developing digital leadership through digital courses and training methods like business simulations, aiming to help them adapt to role and functional transformations and cognitive evolution in the digital age.

The spokesperson for CHINT mentioned that while many people may not yet fully perceive the impact of digitalization, a tipping point will eventually emerge. Honored with China’s Annual Best Employer Award, CHINT Group will keep pace with digital transformation in this process, continuously adjusting job structures and HR management models, and exploring new models of productive collaboration between technology and people, to meet the challenges of a future marked by continuous innovation and change.

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