First Ever: the Belt and Road CEO Conference Held in Beijing


On April 25th, the Belt and Road CEO Conference was held for the first time by the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, aiming at promoting practical cooperation and trade and investment exchanges, enabling the business communities of various countries to share the BRI opportunities.


As a representative of entrepreneurs, Nan Cunhui, vice-chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC) and chairman of CHINT Group, was invited to participate. Starting from Zhejiang to the world, from a self-made entrepreneur to a global entrepreneur, Chairman Nan made a report of his participation in the forum during an exclusive interview with Zhejiang News reporters.

Q: What were your feelings and concerns about the first BRI CEO Conference?

I am very glad to participate in the conference, a large scale, high-level, inclusive and open platform for enterprises to strengthen practical cooperation.

The BRI was put forward in 2013; since then the willingness and ability of private enterprises has been continuously enhanced. By investing in the global supply chain, value chain and industrial chain, private enterprises better participated in global division of labor. Besides, the internationalization and competitiveness are continuously improved.

Q: How to promote the high-quality development of the BRI?

In the past few years, the BRI has jointly gone through the stage of "freehand brushwork" to "meticulous brushwork".


Developing countries and emerging economies, along the BRI route are in huge demand for regional power infrastructure construction. They are strategic regions for China’s energy equipment companies like CHINT, and the new business growth points for the "industrial chain integration advantage" to "value-added value chain" transformation.


Q: What are the latest progresses and new layouts of CHINT globalization?

With the construction of the BRI and the improvement of the enterprise's international competitiveness, we will strengthen the production capacity layout, investment in M&A and R&D investment, including the improvement and establishment of logistics and trade institutions.


Q: What's the biggest benefit of open development for enterprises?

As one of the pioneers of international private enterprises, CHINT global business keeps growing at a high speed though open development and international market opportunities. With the booming progress in M&A, international production capacity layout and EPC projects, CHINT has established cooperation with more than 80% of countries along the BRI and embarked on a unique road of globalization.

In the past, CHINT started from low-voltage electrical appliances and focused on industry. We gradually formed the advantages of the whole industrial chain of power equipment and transformed into a provider of smart energy solutions. At present, we should seize the important opportunities of global manufacturing change to promote internet digital and intelligent manufacturing transformation.

Q: What's your advice about enterprise success with global vision?

An enterprise is built step by step. There is no shortcut. In China, economic development has stepped a new normal state, while consumption upgrading has triggered a quality revolution. To promote supply-side structural reform will fundamentally solve the problem of supply structure mismatch and bring about the pain of industrial optimization and upgrading. Whether this is an opportunity or a challenge depends on whether the entrepreneur has the spirit of embracing the world or the mindset of being stuck in one's own ways. In CHINT's view, these are opportunities for innovators to ride on the market.

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